
Welcome to KEISEI HIGH SCHOOL!~慶誠力発信っ!これが国際交流だ!!~

2024年6月11日 歳時記


Students from Grants Pass High School in Oregon, USA, who are passionate about jazz , have come to Keisei High School in Kyushu, Japan!


“We are super excited to see you all !” This is a snapshot from Class 3-7 of the Global Course. The students happily prepared “hospitality goods” to welcome the students from Grants Pass. They had great expressions on their faces.

Welcome to KEISEI HIGH SCHOOL!」・・・校長室にグランツパス高校の先生方がご挨拶に来室されました!伊藤校長先生グランツパス高校の先生方会話兒玉先生がつなぎました。TKUのカメラも先生方の会話と表情をしっかりと追っかけていました。日本語と英語・・・言語の違いこそあれいい顔笑顔は万国共通って感じたひとときでした!

“Welcome to KEISEI HIGH SCHOOL!” The Grants Pass High School teachers visited the principal’s office to greet Principal Ito. Mr. Kodama facilitated the conversation between Principal Ito and Grants Pass High School teachers. The TKU camera(TV broadcasting ) was closely following their conversation and expressions. Despite the language differences between Japanese and English, it was a moment that made us feel that good faces and smiles are universal!


Mr. Louis said that “It’s really delightful to experience the hospitality of Keisei High School!” I couldn’t help but think that the previous directors and principals, whose portraits hung on the wall, must have been envious of this scene.

Nice to meet you!」・・・慶誠高校のみなさん、よろしくお願いしますっ!と、みんなでWelcomeショットです。明日は、体育館での歓迎セレモニーです!今から待ち遠しくてなりません。アドレナリンが出まくっています!

“Nice to meet you!” To everyone at Keisei High School. Tomorrow, we have the welcome ceremony with all of students of Keisei. I can hardly wait. My adrenaline is already pumping!


“Music transcends borders!” On Friday, June 14th, the sounds of Keisei and Grantspass will resonate at the prefectural theater. We are already excited. The students of both schools are already feeling a strong sense of connection. This photo shows that smiles are a universal language!


It was around 5 PM when the host families arrived to pick up the students from Grantspass High School. The handwritten welcome boards were fantastic. Thank you all so much for taking care of them. We hope this will be a wonderful and enriching exchange.


Everyone has such pleasant and smiling faces! I can feel something beyond words in these wonderful (loving) encounters!


“For tomorrow’s welcome ceremony…” Ms. Nishimura and students (three members from the 2-2 Advanced Course) were rehearsing for tomorrow’s welcome ceremony. Now, let’s introduce some random shots that arrived today!

“Have a nice stay in KEISEI HIGH SCHOOL!” Let’s enjoy KEISEI HIGH SCHOOL life during your stay!