グランツパス高校ジャズバンド来校に向けて!Grants Pass High School’s Jazz band is coming!!
2024年6月7日 留学生
来る!6/11(火)~6/22(土)、アメリカ合衆国 オレゴン州からグランツパス高校ジャズバンド学生30名が来校されます!慶誠高校では6/12(水)~17(月)を国際交流Weekとし、全校生徒でのウェルカムセレモニーや本校吹奏楽部とのジョイントコンサート、クラス交流会等様々な交流を実施予定です!
Coming up! From June 11th (Tuesday) to June 22nd (Saturday), 30 students from Grants Pass High School Jazz Band in Oregon, USA, will visit our school! Keisei High School will designate June 12th (Wednesday) to June 17th (Monday) as International Exchange Week, during which various exchanges will take place involving all students, including a Welcome Ceremony, a Joint Concert with our school’s Wind Ensemble, and class exchange meetings. We look forward to fostering meaningful connections and cultural exchanges during this exciting event!

In the Middle of May, profiles of all the members were displayed, showcasing each individual’s interests and background.

From left to right: Mr. Kodama (International Education Department, Grants Pass Exchange Project Leader), Mr. Takanaga (International Education Department), Mr. Yamakawa (General Affairs Department Chief), and the cheerful members of our brass band with their nice smiles! The decorations were created by Mr. Yamakawa. (Mr. Yamakawa also writes our school festival blog!)
全校生徒代表として英語での学校紹介を任された2-2の桑原くん、森くん、渡辺さん。3人はこの日、1時間ほど熱心に発音練習に取り組みました。3人は今年の3月にオーストラリアでの短期ホームステイプログラムに参加し、国際的な視野を身に着けることができたと実感。だからこそ、グランツパス生徒との英会話や文化交流を心待ちにしているとのこと!本校の歴史や魅力を自信を持って紹介するために、練習にも一層熱が入っているようでした。GO FOR IT!

As representatives of the entire students, Kuwahara, Mori, and Watanabe from Class 2-2 were tasked with introducing our school in English. They dedicated about an hour to enthusiastic pronunciation practice in preparation for this responsibility. Having participated in a short-term homestay program in Australia last March, they experienced a lot of international exchanges. That’s why they are eagerly anticipating c cultural exchanges with the students from Grants Pass.

In each class, students are also busy preparing for the concert on the 14th by creating support goods, getting ready for the presentation and recreation activities for the class exchange on the 17th!
そして…音楽を通しての国際交流を今か今かと待ち望んでいる本校吹奏楽部員たちです!!Grants Pass の ”G” マークとともにナイススマイルです!音楽は言葉の壁を越え、文化の違いを超え、人々を繋ぐ力があるのでしょうか!?答えは17日のジョイントコンサートで明らかになるでしょう!(みんな、頼んだよ!)

The members of our school’s brass band with the iconic “G” mark of Grants Pass and bright smiles, they are ready for this exciting journey. Does music truly possess the power to transcend language barriers and bridge cultural divides? We are about to find out! We can’t wait for the joint concert on the 17th, where our students can perform alongside their counterparts from Grants Pass High School. It promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with harmonious melodies and cultural exchange. Get ready for an evening of musical magic and cross-cultural connections!
Dear all members 30 Grants Pass Jazz band students, their parents, and teachers
We are looking forward to meeting all of you! Please enjoy your journey here in Japan, in Kumamoto, and especially at Keisei High School. Take care on your way here, and let’s create unforgettable memories together that will last a lifetime!
Keisei High school