This week’s international students♬ #1
2024年4月19日 留学生
It’s hard to believe, but two weeks have already passed since the new semester started. Let’s see the exchange student’s activities this week.
Team 1年生 フェイバ&リウ:1年生宿泊研修 in 熊本県立あしきた青少年の家!
Team sophomore, Favour and Liu: Freshmen Training in Ashikita Youth House!
4/16(火) ~ 18(木)2泊3日の宿泊研修に参加しました。オリエンテーションから始まり、クラスメイトとボートを漕いだり、集団行動を学んだりすることができました。
They participated in a 2-night, 3-day residential training from April 16th (Tuesday) to 18th (Thursday). They enjoyed a lot of activities.
Spending two and a half days with classmates was so much fun for them.
2年生 チャーリー : 2学年 全クラスと交流!
Charlie interacted with all classes in the second year (1st to 8th classes) this week.♪
Charlie was nervous before starting his self-introduction and presentation in Japanese. However, he was very happy to be welcomed by the second-year classes.
Team 3年生:ヨナス&ユリア 新学期スタートです♪
ヨナス( from スウェーデン )とユリア ( from フィンランド)の新学期もスタートしました!去年の8月から日本での高校生活を送っている2人ですが、実は6月初旬に帰国予定です。(残り2か月ない!)
Jonas (from Sweden) and Julia (from Finland) have started the new semester! They’ve been living in Japan since August last year. However, they’re going to return to their hometown in early June. (Only two months left)They will do their best in club activities and create more memories!
We had many wonderful encounters through events and interactions this week. Our lives will be enriched by meeting new people. We hope that Keisei can be such a place.