
This week’s international students♬ #3

2024年5月24日 留学生



A new exchange student, Alysha, has arrived from Australia! She will stay in Japan for two months.

左から2‐2 森君、アリーシャ、2‐2桑原君です。実は彼らは今年の3月、オーストラリアのブリスベンで短期留学に挑戦!その際、森くんはアリーシャファミリーのお宅でホームステイを経験、そう、アリーシャは森くんのホストシスターでした!久しぶりの再会にビッグハグとナイススマイルが溢れます!

From left to right, Mori , Alysha, and Kuwahara from class 2-2. This day was Alysha’s first day of school and the sports festival was held. Actually, they challenged a short-term study abroad in Brisbane, Australia, in March of this year. During that time, Mori-kun experienced a homestay with Alysha’s family. Their reunion was filled with big hugs and nice smiles!


Her classmates said hello to Alysha. They introduced themselves in a friendly atmosphere. They tried to communicate in English and Japanese.



Since May, Charlie has been actively participating in badminton club practices!Let us share a bit about what he does during club activity!


There are many new first-year members, so during times when the courts are unavailable, Charlie does strength training with them. Also, he seemed to enjoy singles practice with the third-year student, swinging his racket enthusiastically! It looks like he loves badminton, and he practices badminton very hard along with Julia! Julia will return to Finland soon, but we hope she can enjoy club activities together with club members until then!